Avcomm Solutions

There were 1 posts tagged: Refuse

Happy Earth Day!

April 22nd, 2014  •   0 Comments

Today is the 44th anniversary of the very first Earth Day, from which a movement has grown: Raising the consciousness of a generation tasked with the greatest widespread wealth and mismanagement of resources the world has ever known. Preservation of the limited natural resources our world has keeps an eye to the future for a world we can pass on to our children and grandchildren.

Individually, how can we make a difference? Our work consumes much of our time each week, so a great place to start making eco-friendly choices could be at your cubicle!

Refuse – At conferences, take only the pens, trinkets, flash drives, mugs, vinyl covered folders that you have a need for; if you already have 3 portfolios, is the 4th one a necessity?

Reduce – Your consumption. Rather than driving yourself to work each day, check out alternatives such as riding your bike or walking (if you live close to the office); taking public transportation (if available); or carpooling. Better yet, stay home and telecommute!

Reuse – Print or write on both sides of paper; or, determine if you really need to print the document. Keep a mug at your desk for your daily coffee break that you can wash and reuse.

Recycle – Everything from paper, computer equipment, phone books, and more. Before disposing of gently used equipment, desks, or phone systems, find out if there is a local nonprofit that would be in need of the items you no longer need. If not, locate a recycling facility that can safely dispose of the items.

At Avcomm, our packaging products are recyclable: we send our items in cardboard boxes with paper filler. When possible, a gently used box is substituted for a brand new one.

Let us know what you're doing at your organization to make an earth-friendly difference!


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