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The family truckster is packed full, the kids are ready, and the GPS is pointing you to your destination. It's time for your family vacation! As Chevy Chase's character Clark Griswold says, in the movie National Lampoon's Vacation: "Why aren't we flying? Because getting there is half the fun. You know that."

Is a family vacation relaxing? No. Worthwhile? Definitely.

Clark chooses to take his family to meet Marty Mouse at Wallyworld in Vacation. After weeks of planning, Clark is excited for his family to spend time together on their road trip. Unforeseen situations continue to pop up, yet Chevy chooses to stay upbeat and enjoy the time with his family.

Planning ahead can take some of the stress out of vacations, so here are a few quick tips for a successful family vacation:

  1. Try something new together

  2. How about scuba diving, snorkeling, riding all the roller coasters at an amusement park, or touring the area on Segways?

  3. Schedule time to rest & time to play ...

  4. Constant activity can foster exhaustion, overstimulation, and family feuds.

  5. ... yet, be a little spontaneous and enjoy every moment

  6. Have fun! Throw in something unexpected along the way. Shared experiences form bonds that build strong families. Memories made on these trips last a lifetime. The grandkids will undoubtedly hear about that one night Dad had to wrestle the tent for hours in the wind and pouring rain.

    There are plenty of inconveniences and reasons to just stay home, but the benefits far outweigh the headaches when it comes to investing in your family.

    Do you have memories of a favorite summer vacation your family took growing up? Where did you go?


Today is the 44th anniversary of the very first Earth Day, from which a movement has grown: Raising the consciousness of a generation tasked with the greatest widespread wealth and mismanagement of resources the world has ever known. Preservation of the limited natural resources our world has keeps an eye to the future for a world we can pass on to our children and grandchildren.

Individually, how can we make a difference? Our work consumes much of our time each week, so a great place to start making eco-friendly choices could be at your cubicle!

Refuse – At conferences, take only the pens, trinkets, flash drives, mugs, vinyl covered folders that you have a need for; if you already have 3 portfolios, is the 4th one a necessity?

Reduce – Your consumption. Rather than driving yourself to work each day, check out alternatives such as riding your bike or walking (if you live close to the office); taking public transportation (if available); or carpooling. Better yet, stay home and telecommute!

Reuse – Print or write on both sides of paper; or, determine if you really need to print the document. Keep a mug at your desk for your daily coffee break that you can wash and reuse.

Recycle – Everything from paper, computer equipment, phone books, and more. Before disposing of gently used equipment, desks, or phone systems, find out if there is a local nonprofit that would be in need of the items you no longer need. If not, locate a recycling facility that can safely dispose of the items.

At Avcomm, our packaging products are recyclable: we send our items in cardboard boxes with paper filler. When possible, a gently used box is substituted for a brand new one.

Let us know what you're doing at your organization to make an earth-friendly difference!


Traditionally spring is the season to deep clean and organize, a coming out after a long, cold winter. At home, tasks might include scrubbing walls and baseboards, organizing canned and dry goods in the pantry, and deep cleaning carpets, rugs and furniture upholstery.

At the office, your headset could use a spring refresh, too. Need some ideas? Here are a few:

1. With a slightly damp cloth, avoiding contact with buttons, slots, or plug contacts:
    a. Wipe down your wireless base unit, cords from the phone or computer to the base unit, headband and boom arm of your wireless headset

    b. Wipe the cords*, headband, and boom arm on your corded headset

    c. Don't forget to clean your amplifier and cords*!

    d. Remove wax, sweat and dust build-up from your ear gels, too

    e. Specific headset models offer washable foam ear cushions, so check your user's guide for that information.
*handle cords carefully during cleaning, taking care to not pull on them

2. Replace:
    a. Ear cushions, foam or leatherette

    b. Microphone windscreen

    c. Ear gels
For a few dollars, these easy replacement items will help your headset look and feel brand new!

3. Headset Firmware:
Check the updates for your headset's firmware and make sure you have the most recent version. Each manufacturer offers unique software for their products, including Jabra's PC Suite, Plantronics' Spokes, and Sennheiser that help ensure your product stays up to date!

4. Organize Headset Paperwork:
Are the user's manual, quick start guide, and assorted paperwork that came with the headset filed together in an easy-to-find file? It's so easy to organize, yet many of us are guilty of throwing those helpful booklets in random places around our desk area, never to land in the same place. Set aside one designated file for these types of things.

Now that you've started the cleaning process, is it time to take a closer look at your workspace? Can you see the top of your desk? Are your files bulging with paperwork that isn't needed anymore? How about your computer files? Could your monitor use a scrubbing? Is it time to bring in the latest family photo? Cleaning, organizing, purging and updating might be what you need to re-engage and energize yourself in your job once more! Make it a contest with office mates to see who can create the cleanest work space.

Let us know if you have been inspired to clean your cubicle, and you could be entered for a chance to win ear cushions and microphone windscreens to help get you started!


The phone rings. You answer the call. During the conversation, you need to access a file in an office down the hallway. Do you:

    a. Hang up on the caller and assure them you'll call back once you have found the file?

    b. Ask them to hold; place the handset on the desk, walk down the hall, visit with co-workers along the way, find the file, go back to your desk, and hope the caller is still on the line?

    c. Continue the conversation as you walk down the hall, grab the file, and walk back to your desk?

If you have a wireless headset, you can answer "c" with confidence! Corded headsets are the workhorse of the office headset world. Contact centers and offices may find that it's best for their employees to stay close to their desks when on the phone. In other situations, and increasingly more common (57 percent in a 2012 study), organizations have found that wireless headsets give workers freedom to conduct their jobs most efficiently and effectively.

Jabra and YouGov questioned more than 11,000 mobile and office workers in 12 countries about their office environments, and which office tools are most valuable for them. The study found that headsets increase overall work efficiency and job performance, with 75 percent of calls being answered when wireless headsets are used.

Workers using the traditional desk phone and handset "say they feel hindered in performing regular office tasks and would have the potential to be more efficient if they were equipped with a headset at work." High sound quality and comfort are key priorities for people using wireless headsets.

Wireless headsets are ideal for employees who need the freedom to roam from their desk without having to miss or terminate a call.

Organizations recognize the benefits of headsets that move with you, enhancing employee efficiency and productivity. Making the most of your time, and money, makes sense for any size organization, which is why we love wireless!

Interested in experiencing complete wireless freedom?

Here's what you'll need:
    1. Desk phone, soft phone, or mobile phone

    2. Wireless headset – With so many options and connectivity types available, it's important to consult with an Avcomm headset expert to be sure you choose the headset that best fits your environment and requirements.

    3. EHS cable or Remote Handset Lifter—This is an optional add-on device which alerts you of an incoming call by sending a tone into the headset. You can answer and end calls by simply pressing a button on the headset, all while being up to 450ft.* away from your desk!
*Actual headset range is dependent upon model of headset and user environment.

If we can help answer any questions you might have about wireless headsets, please let us know! Our dedicated team has been trained to discover and suggest the best solutions for your unique needs.


Here at Avcomm Solutions, Inc., we keep things simple. Are we giving you, our customer, what you need? We sure hope so.

Finding the very best solutions to your headset and conference phone dilemmas gives meaning to our days. From the home office in the center of the U.S., our customer care team of Sara Diaz and Carey McCoy work hard to give you answers, great products and fair prices.
How do we manage this? In a few ways, such as:

Our Midwestern Hospitality
Clichéd? Of course. True? You bet! Neighbors looking out for neighbors is a common theme around here, and one that we at Avcomm embrace. We’re always on the lookout for products and services that make sense for you. Once your products reach you, we expect to continue the relationship by answering any questions you may have about product setup, assisting with technical concerns and warranty repairs – and, of course, your feedback is always appreciated!

Strong Partnerships
By working with the best manufacturers in the headset and conference phone world, Avcomm Solutions offers products from Jabra, Konftel, Plantronics, Sennheiser and Yamaha. Partnerships with these companies allow us to get the essential support, resources, and information to you when you need it. You can rely on our expert advice!

A Commitment to You
We understand that you want to do your very best for your customers. We know that you want to keep your employees happy and productive. Sure, it’s a balancing act, but when you get it right, the results can be transcendent. We have great products that make communication clear and simple, and we’re here for you.

At Avcomm Solutions, Communication is Our Business.

We are very excited to announce some new ways to reach us: on Twitter: @AvcommSolutions, LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/company/avcomm-solutions-inc- and Facebook: Facebook/AvcommSolutions


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